Sunday, 9 February 2014

Revisiting Kurdish autosomal DNA

Update: 19.09.2014

I thought I should merge all samples of KurdishDNA and this blog and try to shed some light on. Here's the total of 34 samples.

Ezidi: 2
Feyli: 3
Kurmanji: 15
Sorani: 10
Zazaki: 9
of samples

First all major subgroups' ADMIXTURE values from Dodecad K12b calculator.(Population Averages)

There is not much of difference between sub-groups other than expected gradual variation by the geography. Feylis score the highest Gedrosia+pseudo South Asian+lowest Mediterranean and Zazaki's highest Caucasus+lowest pseudo South Asian, Kurmanjis similar to Zazakis additionally have highest Atlantic-Mediterrean and North European components.

Distances between dialect and religious sub-groups

Kurds_F Kurds_S Kurds_E Kurds_K Kurds_Z
Kurds_F 0 2,809 2,243 5,920 6,047
Kurds_S 2,809 0 2,665 5,109 5,540
Kurds_E 2,243 2,665 0 5,788 6,250
Kurds_K 5,920 5,109 5,788 0 1,519
Kurds_Z 6,047 5,540 6,250 1,519 0

There appears to be only 3 sub-groups when all samples are considered(n=34),  #2 is a Kurdish exclave:
#1 Northern/Western (Kurmanji, Zazaki)
#2 Central Anatolian Kurds (Kurdên Anatoliya Navîn)
#3 Southern/Eastern (Ezidi, Sorani, Feyli)
(see Results by class: )

Reminder this North/South divide is more pronounced because of the sample bias. See my previous post about Participants Map, most northern samples are from Dersim and most southern samples are from Silêmanî. If there were more samples between those areas gradual difference would be much more finer.

Distances between the class centroids:

       1 2 3
1 0 4,825 5,350
2 4,825 0 6,730
3 5,350 6,730 0

Class centroids: Class 1 2 3
Caucasus 42,141 38,678 38,820
Gedrosia 24,215 22,863 27,667
Southwest Asian 13,323 14,265 14,865
Atlantic Med 7,912 9,588 6,842
North European 6,927 9,260 5,592
South Asian 2,423 2,500 2,953
Siberian 0,948 0,780 1,150
East Asian 0,733 1,080 0,532
Southeast Asian 0,316 0,130 0,355
Northwest African 0,776 0,425 0,777
East African 0,258 0,360 0,338
Sub Saharan 0,063 0,000 0,105

Results by class:
Class 1 2 3
KRD0000K KRD0003K KD008E
KRD0001Z KRD0010K KD043E
KRD0002K KRD0011K KD009S
KRD0004Z KD010S
KRD0005K KD012S
KRD0006K KD013S
KRD0007K KD014S
KRD0008Z KD032S
KRD0009K KD033S
KRD0012Z KD034S
KRD0019K KD048S
KRD0039Z KD026F
KRD0044K KD027F
KRD0048Z KD025F
KRD0051K Kurds_F
KRD0052K Kurds_S
KRD0058Z Kurds_E

Click image to expand

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Participants Map

I've received a few values from Palisto and thought it would be better with using a map with all samples.

E: Ezidi
F: Feyli
K: Kurmanji
S: Sorani
Z: Zazaki